Monday, 11 July 2016

Welcome to Blog about stealth Van life. To give you some background you need to understand how I got here, this was'nt a "lifestyle" want to be free choice. This was a take responsibility, live upto your mistakes and sort out your life choice.

Why would I choose to live in a stealth van? I did'nt, I'm not unemployed, poorly paid or going through a mid life crisis. I actually have a fairly good job, nice car, and lots of friends. So why this blog?

Like most middle aged couples after being together for a number of years the kids hit 18 and suddenly we realised we had very little in common. Bring on the breakup, fairly amicable so no real issues.

The real issues started when I looked at the finances. Two incomes we had lived very confortably for a number of years, no real problems paying bills, etc....holidays 2 or 3 times a get the picture.

Then I realised that everything was in my name, and suddenly my ex partner decieded she quite liked having lots of money and no debts.....

Luckliy we had no mortgage due to the nature of my job we had to move fairly often.

So here we are...April 2016....and I've just figured out that my debts total £ is debt built up over 10 years, not a crazy spending spree....

So the options I have are
1. Go Bankrupt    Not possible due to the nature of my job
2. Go IVA            Possible but would not go down favourably with my employer
3. Pay my Debts off

The Ex had moved out and I now had a house to support, even if I got a Lodger there was no way I could service this level of debt. After spending MANY hours looking at options it suddenly hit me what the answer was....My biggest expense was was the box I was living in....

1. Rent     £800
2. Council Tax  £150
3. Gas\Electric   £90
4. Water  £40
5. Sky   £40
6. Broadband £30

Thats £1000 a month...then I looked at what I did in my life.

6.30am Off to the Gym
8.00am Work
6.00pm  Gym Class 1 hour
7.30pm  Home, food, watch TV
10.30pm Sleep £1000 or so a month to have somewhere to basically sleep...extend the evening Gym by a bit....

So thats what I did....I used the last of my savings to by my Stealth Van! I added a few extras to my monthly costs

1. Van Tax   £22
2. Van Insurance   £15.00
3. 4G EE 12v Dongle  £20
4. Laundrette   £20
5. Odeon Unlimited Move Pass £17
6. Gym Pass and Locker Rental £30.00

Even so I was over £1000 a month better off....Time to start paying off those debts!

I think it will take me around 30 months or so to clear everything...this will be my blog about life as a Stealth Van Man...the good and the bad...and hopefully not the ugly

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