Monday, 11 July 2016

May 2016 Week Three

Bit of a bad week, routine is all well and fine but routine also gets a bit boring some days....

Gym has become a requirement, not an enjoyment. Having to get up and go just to shower has taken some of the shine off it. Its been raining most of the week fairly hard...although I sound proofed the van really well its still audible when a feeling thats why I'm a bit down.

Took the plunge and bought a Microsoft Band 2 for the Gym...think its a worthwhile investment given the amount of time I'm there :) Decieded to cut down on the evening Gym sessions a bit more, my body just feels tired.

Going to look at the food situation again and try to rotate the meals each week on a 2-4 week cycle, also maybe not be so strict on the diet thing, got a feeling a lack of carbs (I eat non really apart from some pasta once a week or so) may be contributing to it too.

Been out a couple of times this week with friends and that helped, but it also made me realise how much I missed haveing people around at home I guess.

Week Three Update :

Okays...the depression thing seems to have gone, guess I was just a bit down. Living as a stealth van man means you don't really have anyone to talk to about why your down :)

Maybe thats why people who live in vans full time have pets....maybe I should get a hamster or something :)

Finally managed to T-Cut the front panels and doors of the a difference it made

Motivated to do the rest....just need to get some sunshine.

The routines working well....I think it might be time to think about a weekend out in the van wild camping!

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