Monday, 11 July 2016

July 2016 Week One

So the scores on the debt total debt was 43K 3 moths well as making minimum payemnts I have paid an additional £1000 off my debts plus a £1000 contigency I paid off a Credit card completely and closed it!!!!! WOOP! £1231 paid off and card closed. That adds another £55 to the snowball for next month meaning I can pay at least an additional £95 per month including the £45 from the previous month

Taking some feedback I've also started a MOT/Service fund for the Van...I've put £75 aside this month. But given the fact the van does less than 300 miles a month unless I go away then hopeflly I should'nt have any issues. I bought it with 12 months MOT so thats fine for a year

What else? finding more and more different foods that fit in with camper van life...Aldi is like camper van heaven.

So we are over 2 months in now, and to be honest, its not half as bad as I thought it would be

Guess I miss the social aspect of a house the most, however the rest has actually been of great benefit to me. I doubt I would have had the motivation to do 10 percent of what I've done had this not happened....

Its not all plain sailing though...I still get those days when I think what has my life come too...but they are getting less.

Already starting think about winter and planning for it....

Really enjoying the cinema thing, wish I'd done it ages I miss TV? Not really....

Think I may try a weekend away again this month, I'll let you all know!

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